Source code for control_chart.plot_util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Wrapping the creation of the bokeh plots

import os
from contextlib import closing
from math import pi, isnan

from bokeh.client import pull_session as bokeh_pull_session
from bokeh.client import push_session as bokeh_push_session
from bokeh.document import Document
from bokeh.embed import autoload_server as bokeh_autoload_server
from bokeh.models import FactorRange, ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from bokeh.models import HBox
from bokeh.plotting import Figure
from numpy import histogram

import control_chart.models
from .plot_annotation import PlotAnnotationContainer, PlotAnnotation


[docs]def push_session(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around the bokeh push_session, which read the enviroment variable BOKEH_SERVER to get the server address. Manly used in unit tests """ if 'BOKEH_SERVER' in os.environ: kwargs['url'] = os.environ['BOKEH_SERVER'] return bokeh_push_session(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def pull_session(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around the bokeh pull_session, which read the enviroment variable BOKEH_SERVER to get the server address. Manly used in unit tests """ if 'BOKEH_SERVER' in os.environ: kwargs['url'] = os.environ['BOKEH_SERVER'] return bokeh_pull_session(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def autoload_server(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around the bokeh autoload_server, which read the enviroment variable BOKEH_SERVER to get the server address. Manly used in unit tests """ if 'BOKEH_SERVER' in os.environ: kwargs['url'] = os.environ['BOKEH_SERVER'] return bokeh_autoload_server(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class PlotGenerator(object): """ Encapsulates the the creation of the bokeh plots """ def __init__(self, configuration, index=None, max_calc_points=MAX_CALC_POINTS): self.__conf = configuration self.__index = None if index is not None: self.__index = int(index) self.__max_calc_points = max_calc_points self.__factors, self.__values, self.__num_invalid = [], [], [] def __fetch_plot_data(self, filter_args): vals = control_chart.models.CharacteristicValue.objects.filter( _finished=True, **filter_args) dat = vals[max(0, vals.count() - self.__max_calc_points):].to_dataframe( fieldnames=['id', 'measurements__meas_item__serial_nr', '_calc_value', 'date', 'order__order_type__name', 'order__order_nr', 'measurements__examiner', 'measurements__remarks']) if not dat['date'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') grouped = dat.groupby('id') def combine_it(val_set): """ Combines the a list of string in a ;-separated string """ return '; '.join(val_set) def take_first(val_set): """ Takes only the first element of the list """ return val_set[:1] dat = grouped.agg({'id': take_first, 'measurements__meas_item__serial_nr': take_first, '_calc_value': take_first, 'date': take_first, 'order__order_type__name': take_first, 'order__order_nr': take_first, 'measurements__examiner': combine_it, 'measurements__remarks': combine_it}) return dat, vals.count_invalid() @staticmethod def __create_x_labels(values): return ['{}-{}'.format(id, sn) for id, sn in zip(values['id'], values['measurements__meas_item__serial_nr'])]
[docs] def create_x_y_values(self, index): """ Create the lists for the x and y values for the plot out of the raw_data :param index: Index of the filter argument set of the PlotConfig :return: Tuple of list of x label, list of values and the number of invalid values """ filter_args = self.__conf.filter_args[index] values, num_invalid = self.__fetch_plot_data(filter_args) factors = self.__create_x_labels(values) return factors, values, num_invalid
def __save_user_session(self, document, index): with closing(push_session(document)) as session: session_id = _ = control_chart.models.UserPlotSession.objects.create(, plot_config=self.__conf, index=index) return session_id
[docs] def plot_code_iterator(self): """ Iterator over the single bokeh plot :return: Tuple of js-script code for the plot and number of invalid values """ for index, dummy in enumerate(self.__conf.filter_args): if self.__index is not None and self.__index != index: continue document = Document() document.title = self.__conf.description self.__factors, self.__values, num_invalid = self.create_x_y_values( index) plot = self.__create_control_chart_hist(index) document.add_root(plot) session_id = self.__save_user_session(document, index) script = autoload_server(None, session_id=session_id) yield script, num_invalid
def __plot_histogram(self): plot = Figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=300) plot.title = 'Histogram' hist_data = self.calc_histogram_data(self.__values) plot.logo = None plot.quad(top='hist', bottom=0, left='edges_left', right='edges_right', source=hist_data, fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") return plot @staticmethod
[docs] def calc_histogram_data(values): """ Classifies the data for a histogram :param values: Dataframe with the raw-values :return: ColumnDataSource with the histogram data """ hist, edges = histogram(values._calc_value) # pylint: disable=W0212 hist_data = dict() hist_data['hist'] = hist hist_data['edges_left'] = edges[:-1] hist_data['edges_right'] = edges[1:] return ColumnDataSource(hist_data, name='hist_data')
def __create_control_chart_hist(self, index): plots = [self.__plot_control_chart(index)] if self.__conf.histogram: plots.append(self.__plot_histogram()) return HBox(*plots) def __plot_control_chart(self, index): plot_args = self.__conf.plot_args[index] annotations = self.__conf.annotations[index] if not annotations: annotations = PlotAnnotationContainer() plot = Figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=600, x_range=FactorRange(factors=self.__factors, name='x_factors')) plot.logo = None plot.title = 'Control chart' hover_tool = self.__create_tooltips() plot.add_tools(hover_tool) plot.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 plot.xaxis.major_label_standoff = 10 if not self.__values['_calc_value'].empty: if 'color' not in plot_args: plot_args['color'] = 'navy' if 'alpha' not in plot_args: plot_args['alpha'] = 0.5 self.__values['s_fac'] = self.__factors col_ds = ColumnDataSource(self.__values, name='control_data')'s_fac', '_calc_value', source=col_ds, name='circle', **plot_args) plot.line('s_fac', '_calc_value', source=col_ds, name='line', **plot_args) min_anno, max_anno = annotations.calc_min_max_annotation( self.__values['_calc_value']) annotations.plot(plot, self.__values['_calc_value']) anno_range = max_anno - min_anno if anno_range and not isnan(anno_range): plot.y_range.start = min_anno - anno_range plot.y_range.end = max_anno + anno_range return plot @staticmethod def __create_tooltips(): tooltips = """ <div> <small> <em><strong> @order__order_type__name: @order__order_nr</strong></em> <ul> <li>Serial: @measurements__meas_item__serial_nr</li> <li>Value: @_calc_value</li> <li>Date: @date</li> <li>Examiner: @measurements__examiner</li> <li>Remarks: @measurements__remarks</li> </ul> </small> </div> """ hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) return hover_tool
[docs] def values_for_last_plot(self): """ Returns the DataFrame with the values of the last plot """ return self.__values
[docs] def summary_for_last_plot(self): """ Summary data (mean, lower and upper control limit) for the last plot :return: Tuple of mean, lcl, ucl """ std_values = self.__values._calc_value.std() # pylint: disable=E1101, W0212 mean_value = self.__values._calc_value.mean() # pylint: disable=E1101, W0212 return mean_value, \ PlotAnnotation.LOWER_CONTROL_LIMIT_LEVEL * std_values, \ PlotAnnotation.UPPER_CONTROL_LIMIT_LEVEL * std_values
[docs]def update_plot_sessions(): """ Updates the plot of exsiting browser sessions. If a saved session is disconnected the session will be deleted """ for usession in control_chart.models.UserPlotSession.objects.all(): with closing( pull_session(session_id=usession.bokeh_session_id)) as session: if len(session.document.roots) == 0: # In this case, the session_id was from a dead session and # calling pull_session caused a new empty session to be # created. So we just delete the UserSession and move on. # It would be nice if there was a more efficient way - where I # could just ask bokeh if session x is a session. usession.delete() else: fac_ranges = list({'type': FactorRange})) all_x_fac_range = session.document.select_one( {'name': 'x_factors'}) fac_ranges.remove(all_x_fac_range) plot_generator = PlotGenerator(usession.plot_config) factors, values, _ = plot_generator.create_x_y_values( usession.index) val_dict = dict() for key in values.keys(): val_dict[key] = list(values[key]) val_dict['s_fac'] = factors for csource in list( {'name': 'control_data'})): = val_dict hist_data = plot_generator.calc_histogram_data(values) for hsource in list( {'name': 'hist_data'})): = for fac in fac_ranges: fac.factors = factors all_x_fac_range.factors = factors