Source code for control_chart.plot_annotation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Offers different annotation for the plot like mean, lower control limit, upper
control limit etc. Use one of this classes as base to create your own

from bokeh.models import BoxAnnotation

[docs]class PlotAnnotation(object): """ Base class for all annotation. With annotation it is possible to show colored y-ranges or horizontal lines to mark special areas in the plot. """ UPPER_CONTROL_LIMIT_LEVEL = 3 LOWER_CONTROL_LIMIT_LEVEL = 2 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def bottom(self, y_values): # pylint: disable=W0613, R0201 """ Returns bottom value of the annotation calculated out of the y_values. This method must be overridden by each implementation of a PlotAnnotation """ raise NotImplementedError('Bottom calculation for a PlotAnnotation' 'isn`t defined')
[docs] def top(self, y_values): # pylint: disable=W0613, R0201 """ Returns top value of the annotation calculated out of the y_values. This method must be overridden by each implementation of a PlotAnnotation. """ raise NotImplementedError('Bottom calculation for a PlotAnnotation' 'isn`t defined')
[docs]class MeanAnnotation(PlotAnnotation): """ Annotation to mark the mean of a plot """ def __init__(self, line_color='green', line_alpha=1.0, **kwargs): super(MeanAnnotation, self).__init__(line_color=line_color, line_alpha=line_alpha, **kwargs)
[docs] def bottom(self, y_values): """ Returns the mean value """ return y_values.mean()
[docs] def top(self, y_values): """ Returns the mean value """ return y_values.mean()
[docs]class MultiStdAnnotation(PlotAnnotation): """ Annotation to mark a area with the width factor*std around the mean of the plot """ def __init__(self, factor, fill_color='None', fill_alpha=0.0, # pylint: disable=R0913 line_color='red', line_alpha=0.6, line_dash='dashed', **kwargs): super(MultiStdAnnotation, self).__init__(fill_color=fill_color, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, line_color=line_color, line_alpha=line_alpha, line_dash=line_dash, **kwargs) self.__factor = factor
[docs] def bottom(self, y_values): """ Returns mean - factor*std """ return y_values.mean() - (y_values.std() * self.__factor)
[docs] def top(self, y_values): """ Returns mean + factor*std """ return y_values.mean() + (y_values.std() * self.__factor)
[docs]class UpperControlLimitAnnotation(MultiStdAnnotation): """ Show the upper control limit (UCL) """ def __init__(self, line_alpha=1.0, **kwargs): super(UpperControlLimitAnnotation, self).__init__( PlotAnnotation.UPPER_CONTROL_LIMIT_LEVEL, line_alpha=line_alpha, **kwargs)
[docs]class LowerControlLimitAnnotation(MultiStdAnnotation): """ Show the lower control limit (LCL) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LowerControlLimitAnnotation, self).__init__( PlotAnnotation.LOWER_CONTROL_LIMIT_LEVEL, **kwargs)
[docs]class FixedMaxAnnotation(PlotAnnotation): """ Marks all over the given maximum bottom level """ def __init__(self, max_bottom, fill_color='red', **kwargs): super(FixedMaxAnnotation, self).__init__(fill_color=fill_color, **kwargs) self.__max_bottom = max_bottom def bottom(self, y_values): return self.__max_bottom def top(self, y_values): return None
[docs]class FixedMinAnnotation(PlotAnnotation): """ Marks all under the given minimum bottom level """ def __init__(self, min_top, fill_color='red', **kwargs): super(FixedMinAnnotation, self).__init__(fill_color=fill_color, **kwargs) self.__min_top = min_top def bottom(self, y_values): return None def top(self, y_values): return self.__min_top
[docs]class PlotAnnotationContainer(object): """ Bundles all annotations of a plot """ def __init__(self, create_default=True): self.__annotations = {} if create_default: self.create_default_annotations()
[docs] def create_default_annotations(self): """ Creates a mean, upper control limit and lower control limit as a default set of annotations. """ self.__annotations['mean'] = MeanAnnotation() self.__annotations['ucl'] = UpperControlLimitAnnotation() self.__annotations['lcl'] = LowerControlLimitAnnotation()
[docs] def plot(self, plot, y_values): """ Adds the annotations to the plot :param plot: Bokeh plot to add the annotations :param y_values: y-values of the plot """ if y_values.empty: return for name in self.__annotations: plot.add_layout(BoxAnnotation( bottom=self.__annotations[name].bottom(y_values), top=self.__annotations[name].top(y_values), **self.__annotations[name].kwargs))
[docs] def calc_min_max_annotation(self, y_values): """ Calculates the borders of all annotations and returns the exterma :param y_values: y-values of the plot :return: min and max value reached by one annotation """ bottoms = [] tops = [] for name in self.__annotations: if self.__annotations[name].bottom(y_values): bottoms.append(self.__annotations[name].bottom(y_values)) if self.__annotations[name].top(y_values): tops.append(self.__annotations[name].top(y_values)) return min(bottoms), max(tops)
[docs] def add_annotation(self, key, annotation): """ Add an annotation to the container """ self.__annotations[key] = annotation
[docs] def remove_annotation(self, key): """ Removes the annotation with the given key """ self.__annotations.pop(key)
[docs] def count(self): """ Returns the number of annotations """ return len(self.__annotations)
[docs] def keys(self): """ List of keys """ return self.__annotations.keys()